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Billy Grace Server Side Tracking: The ultimate setup


Billy Grace Server Side Tracking combines precise data analysis with advanced technologies, enabling companies to optimize their marketing performance. In this article, you will learn how to set up Billy Grace in Google Tag Manager (GTM) for Server Side Tracking and discover the benefits of this approach.

What is Billy Grace?

Billy Grace is an AI-driven platform that supports companies in improving their marketing strategies. Among other things, it offers these 3 benefits:

  • Better attribution: Get insight into which marketing channels are producing the most return.
  • First-party data platform: Collect data on your own server and comply with GDPR regulations.
  • Automatic optimizations: Save time through AI-driven optimizations.

What are the benefits Billy Grace combined with Server Side Tracking?

Billy Grace offers benefits when combined with Server Side Tracking. Here are the six main benefits:

  1. Better data quality: Collecting data directly from the server makes data more accurate and reliable.
  2. Enhanced privacy: Avoiding data collection through third parties increases compliance with GDPR regulations.
  3. More efficient performance: Less load on the browser results in faster load times and a better user experience.
  4. More accurate segmentation: Improved data quality allows you to better group customers and create targeted campaigns.
  5. Bypassing data blockers: Tracking remains effective despite adblockers and browser restrictions.
  6. Complete control over data: With Server Side Tracking, you control data flows yourself, which is essential for advanced analytics.

Want to know more? See all the benefits of Server Side Tracking.

What events can you measure with Billy Grace Server GTM?

With Billy Grace Server GTM, you can measure virtually any event. In addition to a selection of standard events, you can also set up custom events. Below are four examples of measurable events:

- Purchase: Track orders in an online store, including data such as transaction ID, revenue and currency.

- Button clicks: Measure specific actions, such as clicking a CTA button or a download link.

- Demo bookings: Register users to schedule a demo via a form or button.

- Form submissions: Track when users fill out a form, such as contact forms or subscriptions.

With this flexibility, you can fully tailor tracking to the goals of your website or application.

How do you set up Billy Grace in Server Sgtm?

Option 1: Billy Grace Server Side Tracking with TAGGRS templates.

Import preset GTM templates from the TAGGRS template gallery. This reduces implementation time and minimizes errors.

Use pre-configured TAGGRS templates to speed up implementation:

  • Configure a server container in Google Tag Manager.
  • Download the JSON files of the all platforms combined template in the TAGGRS dashboard.
  • Import the files and fill in missing variables.
All Platforms Combined Template taggrs

Learn more about the TAGGRS templates.

Option 2 : Set up Billy Grace Server Side Tracking Manually.

It is possible to configure Billy Grace exclusively server-side. However, the best approach is to combine both client-side and server-side configurations.

Why use both configurations? By using a dual setup, you ensure the most accurate data. It prevents losing events or duplicating the same event data. This process, known as deduplication, is important for consistent and reliable data analysis.

For manual configuration of Billy Grace Server Side Tracking:

Web container settings:

Proper configuration of the Web container includes adding two types of tags: a configuration tag and event tag(s). If you have not already done so, it is also important to create a Unique Event ID.

A Unique Event ID is an important component in Server Side Tracking (SST). This ID ensures that events from both the Web and server containers are deduplicated. It prevents events from being duplicated or lost, which is especially important in a dual setup.

Don't have a Unique Event ID set up yet? Then follow these steps:

  • In Google Tag Manager (GTM), go to Templates.
  • Then click Search Gallery under Variable Templates
  • Search for Unique Event ID in the gallery and add it to your workspace.
  • Go to Variables within your workspace
  • Click Variable Configuration and choose and select the variable you added from the gallery
  • Then save the variable in your GTM environment.

The variable is now set and can be used in different tags. Each value of the {{Unique Event ID}} variable is uniquely associated with the trigger in which it was used.

Example usage:

Suppose you have two tags on a form: "form_completed" and "form_step5". Both use the same trigger as well as the {{Unique Event ID}} variable. The value of the variable is then identical for both tags because they are attached to the same trigger. However, they remain separate events(not duplicates) because they have unique event names. If the server side tag is also triggered by "form_completed" and "form_step5, " the backend recognizes these unique event IDs and keeps track of only one event per action.

This way you can track accurately and avoid duplications!

Important: Use the Unique Event ID consistently in all tags to ensure that no duplicates occur. This strengthens the reliability and precision of your tracking.

Set up configuration tag

Before you can fire web events, you need to set a configuration tag on each page.

  • Go to Tags and click on New.
  • Give the tag a name such as billy configuration pixel.
  • Under Tag type, choose Billy Grace - Web Pixel.
  • In the Tracking ID field, enter your Billy Grace Tracking ID.
  • Go to Additional Settings and in the Event ID field, select the variable Unique Event ID you created earlier.
  • Are you using Consent Mode V2? Then add analytics_storage as a consent state.
  • Set the trigger to Initialization - All pages and then click save.
Set event tag

To set up the events we use the events tag from Billy Grace. As an example, we show how to set up a purchase event.

  • Go to Tags and click on New.
  • Give the tag a name such as billy grace purchase.
  • Under Tag type, choose Billy Grace - Web Event.
  • In the Tracking ID field, enter your Billy Grace Tracking ID.
  • Next, select an event type. "Purchase" is a default event and can be selected directly. You can also add a custom event name.
Google tag-manager-purchase-event-billy-grace-tag
  • Add your event as a trigger. In this case, that is the purchase event

Optional: Set the following fields (especially relevant for purchase events):

- transaction_id: This ID is used to link your data to your e-commerce or other systems. It is also important for deduplication.

- value: Returns the revenue associated with the event.

- currency: currency of the transaction.


Then test the configuration and you have Billy Grace set up in the web container!

Setting Billy Grace Server Side

1. Set up a server container

Start by configuring a server container in Google Tag Manager (GTM). Once these basic settings are complete, you can set up Billy Grace tags in the server container.

Important: For proper deduplication, the following configurations must be performed in the web container:

Add a Unique Event ID variable to your web container, as described in the GTM Web documentation. This variable should be sent with each event of the Billy Grace web pixel.

Billy Grace's web tracking container should also forward events to your Server Side GA4 tracking.

Note: The variable {{Unique Event ID}} is specifically associated with the trigger to which it is attached. Make sure that the same triggers are used in both the web and server containers. This is important for correct deduplication.

2. Billy Grace Server Side tag configuration options.

  • Go to Tags and click on New.
  • Give the tag a name, for example Billy Grace - All events.
  • Under Tag Type, select: Billy Grace - Server Side Tag.
  • Under Tracking ID, enter your Billy Grace Tracking ID.
  • Add the GA4 Client as a trigger

4. Validate the configuration

Use the preview mode to verify that the tag is functioning correctly. Check the following:

  • Or the tags are activated.
  • Whether the correct information is sent.

Test steps:

  1. Put your web container in preview mode (don't forget to publish your changes).
  2. Open the preview mode of your server container.
  3. Run a page view on your website.

Check the data:

  • In the web container, copy the event_id of the sent event.
  • In the server container (for example, in a "page view" event), look for the event_id in the Outgoing HTTP Requests to

If the event_id is identical in both the web and server containers, your setup is successful and events will be deduplicated correctly.

Billy Grace Server Side Tracking completed

This guide will help you set up Billy Grace in conjunction with Server Side Tracking through Google Tag Manager. This configuration gives you more control over your data and ensures improved data quality, which is essential for personalized and effective marketing campaigns. In your TAGGRS dashboard, view the additional measured data available through the use of TAGGRS Server Side Tracking.

Don't forget to put your configuration live to get everything working correctly!

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