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All about the Data Enricher Tool - TAGGRS


Server Side Tracking offers many benefits: More data tracking, cookie extension, more control, etc. One of the lesser-known benefits is that you can also enrich marketing data. This can be done in several ways. You can send data from other systems (Google Sheets, CRM systems) to the server container, or you can use the TAGGRS software. In this blog, we will specifically discuss the possibilities TAGGRS offers to enrich data automatically.

Key Points 🔑

  • Features of the Data Enricher Tool: Provides insight into the geographic location, device type, browser data and bot activity of website visitors.
  • Integration with Analytics Platforms: Allows you to send enriched data directly to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) and other analytics platforms.
  • Benefits for Website Optimization: Helps improve user experience and refine digital marketing strategies through detailed user insights.

What is the TAGGRS Data Enricher Tool?

The Data Enricher Tool is one of the many tools TAGGRS offers. It is a feature within TAGGRS that, once activated, adds additional dimensions to the data sent to analytics platforms such as Google Analytics 4 (GA4). It allows users to enrich their data with additional information for a deeper understanding of visitor behavior.

How does the Data Enricher work?

TAGGRS can be thought of as a conduit. You send the data from the web container to your own subdomain. And the TAGGRS software runs on that subdomain. So from the web container, you send data (requests) to TAGGRS. TAGGRS can automatically enrich this incoming data. Based on data from the data, such as IP addresses, we can send various additional data along with the outgoing data.

What data can TAGGRS enrich with the Data Enricher?

Here is an overview of the additional data you can send along:

  • X-GEO-Country: Identifies the visitor's country, allowing geographically targeted strategies to be implemented.
  • X-Device-Browser-Version: Provides insight into the visitor's browser version, useful for technical optimization.
  • X-Device-Bot: Distinguishes bots from human visitors, essential for purifying analytics data.
  • X-Device-Mobile: Detects whether a visitor is using a mobile device, which can help optimize mobile Web experiences.
  • X-Device-Os: Displays the visitor's operating system, important for cross-platform compatibility.
  • X-Device-Browser: Identifies which browser a visitor is using, which can contribute to better cross-browser experiences.
  • X-Device-Engine: Detects the browser engine, providing insight into processing compatibility.
  • X-Device-Engine-Version: Displays the version of the browser engine, which helps fine-tune technical nuances.

TAGGRS Data Enricher setting

We will now show you how to use the TAGGRS Data Enricher. For this we are going to use special header variables to capture the headers of incoming requests.

1. Activate Data Enricher


The first step is to activate the TAGGRS Data Enricher. Within the dashboard, go to the Enrich section and set the toggle to Active. Next, within the Data Enricher, choose which additional information you would like to use.

2. Adding variables to the server container

X Geo Country request header

Now that TAGGRS causes the data to enter the server container, you can retrieve this data via variables. For each piece of information, you create a variable. In the server container, go to Variables and click New. Choose Request Header as the type and under Name enter the dimension as it appears in TAGGRS, for example X-Geo-Country.

3. Add all variables


Repeat this process for all the dimensions you want to use. In the end, this will look like this in Google Tag Manager.

4. Testing whether the data is coming in

taggrs data enricher preview mode 1

It is important to test if the data is coming in. Open Preview Mode in the server container and go to an event. Click on Variables. Here the added variables appear with the corresponding information you can use. Is the data coming in? Then you can use these variables in your desired tags.

Use case TAGGRS Data Enricher

This data is also collected by analytics tools in most cases. However, these do not become available as event data in the server container. With our enrichment tool, you can make this data available as event data. For this to work, you just need to create the variables the following variables:

  • X-Geo-Country
  • X-Geo-Region
  • X-Geo-City
  • X-Device-Bot
  • X-Device-Mobile
  • X-Device-Os
  • X-Device-Browser
  • X-Device-Browser-Version
  • X-Device-Engine
  • X-Device-Engine-Version

In the incoming requests in the server container you will find the additional data:


Applications in Analytics

By checking the options in the Data Enricher Tool, companies can enrich their analytics. This means they better understand how different user groups interact with their site, leading to more informed decision-making and an improved user experience.


Conclusion: Increase the Value of the Data Collected

By integrating additional data with standard analytics, TAGGRS' Data Enricher Tool provides a powerful way to increase the value of the data collected. This not only helps refine marketing and UX strategies, but also allows organizations to optimize their digital environment for each visitor.

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