Switching from Hosting to TAGGRS
If you're considering switching from hosting to TAGGRS, you've come to the right place. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you transition without complications.
Switching SST Hosting to TAGGRS
Switching to TAGGRS may seem difficult at first, but it is actually quite simple. The next steps will explain how to set up a new TAGGRS account, migrate your data, and adjust GTM settings if necessary. Let's get started!
Want to switch from Google Cloud to TAGGRS? Then check out this page.
1. Create TAGGRS account.
First, you create an account on TAGGRS. You can choose to keep your created subdomain or add a new one.
Note! You need to reconfigure your subdomain (just as you did with your previous hosting).
- Keep your own subdomain: Change DNS records (Note, AAA become A records)
- New subdomain created: Add DNS records
By changing your DNS records you make sure the data goes through TAGGRS instead of through the previous hosting provider. These DNS records can be found in your dashboard.
When your own subdomain is retained, the switch is complete. You can now take advantage of the Server Side Tracking capabilities offered by TAGGRS! Do you choose a new subdomain? Then configure it by adding it in the configuration tag.
2. Subdomain Change in Google Tag Manager
New subdomain created? When you have created a new subdomain, you need to change settings within Google Tag Manager. Namely, you need to change your old subdomain to your new subdomain in the places where you added it.
- Client side: GA4 Configuration Tag
- Server side: Container Settings
Watch the video below for more explanation for changing your subdomain in Google Tag Manager.
Successful? Then the switch is complete. You can now take advantage of the Server Side Tracking capabilities offered by TAGGRS. Don't forget to put your container live!
No tags and triggers set up yet? We have written blogs for the tags that most companies use, explaining step by step how to set them up both Client and Server Side. You can find these within your dashboard under Implement:
Bonus: Optimize your Tracking with TAGGRS
Beyond GTM Server Side Tagging hosting, TAGGRS has tools you can use to further optimize your tracking:
Don't forget to unsubscribe from your old hosting to avoid still paying for it.
Frequently asked questions switching to TAGGRS
Are there things I should watch out for in terms of data loss when switching to TAGGRS? Does the switch transfer 1 to 1 once the DNS records are changed?
Once you convert the DNS records, the switch in should go smoothly. It is important to keep a close eye on the process to resolve any problems quickly and prevent data loss