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WooCommerce Data Layer Plugin by TAGGRS


Do you have a WooCommerce webshop? Then you know how important it is to understand exactly what is happening on your website. Which products attract the most attention? How often are they added to shopping carts? These kinds of questions are essential to your success. And this is where the TAGGRS WooCommerce Data Layer Plugin (Wordpress) can help.

In this blog, we'll take a closer look at the world of the WooCommerce Data Layer Plugin. Don't worry, you don't need to be an expert in coding or complicated software. A simple plugin will get you started. Let's get started!

Download the TAGGRS Data Layer plugin from Github

Key points 🔑

  1. Easy Integration: The TAGGRS Data Layer Plugin for WooCommerce simplifies setting up a Data Layer with Google Tag Manager, without requiring you to be an expert in coding.
  2. Deep Insights: By collecting customer interaction data, the plugin provides valuable insights into customer behavior, which is essential for optimizing your sales strategy and improving conversion rates.
  3. User-friendly Installation: The plugin can be easily downloaded, uploaded to WordPress and activated with a step-by-step configuration process.
  4. Comprehensive Data Collection: The TAGGRS plugin collects data from various customer interactions and integrates it with Google Tag Manager, making valuable data available for analysis and optimization.

What is a Data Layer?

A Data Layer is a layer of information that contains essential data about your e-commerce activities. Think about products sold, prices, shipping costs and sizes - all crucial information for you as a webshop owner.

Setting up a Data Layer yourself can be complicated. Fortunately, the WooCommerce Google Tag Manager integration makes it a piece of cake. This plugin helps you create a Data Layer and integrate it with Google Tag Manager with just a few clicks.

A Data Layer gives you deep insight into how customers interact with your webshop. It helps you collect valuable data such as visitor behavior, click patterns and purchase data. These insights are crucial to optimize your sales strategy and improve your conversion rates.


How does the TAGGRS Data Layer Plugin for WooCommerce work?

It's actually quite simple. The plugin collects data from various interactions on your website and sends it to your analytics platform. Whether a customer views a product, adds to the shopping cart, or completes a purchase, everything is captured.

The TAGGRS Data Layer Plugin for WooCommerce works in a few simple steps:

  1. Data collection: When a visitor performs an action on your website (such as viewing a product or adding it to the shopping cart), the plugin records these interactions.
  2. Data Layer Storage: This collected data is stored in the website's Data Layer, a central hub for user data.
  3. Google Tag Manager Integration: The Data Layer communicates with Google Tag Manager (GTM), which retrieves the data for processing.
  4. Send to Analytics: GTM sends the processed data to your analytics platform (such as Google Analytics) for analysis.
  5. Analysis and Optimization: In your analytics platform, you can analyze the data to gain insights for marketing strategies and user experience optimization.

Installation Process

Installing the plugin is easy:

1. Download plugin via Github


Download the TAGGRS Data Layer plugin from GitHub by going to Code and then clicking Download ZIP.

2. Plugin upload to WordPress


Upload the file to WordPress under Add New Plugin and unzip the file.

3. Activate Plugin


Next, activate the plugin through the screen in WordPress.

4. Configure the TAGGRS plugin.


Configure the plugin from the TAGGRS menu by clicking on the icon.

5. Add GTM settings part 1


Under GTM Settings, enter the GTM code for interfacing with Google Tag Manager. This is the GTM code for the Web Container. For the Enhanced Tracking Script, you can use the same subdomain as for the server container.

6. Add GTM settings part 2


Would you like to use the TAGGRS Enhanced Tracking Script? Then add your subdomain here.

7. Select the Events for the Data Layer


Under the Events heading, you can check which events you want to have in the data layer. When the container is configured, you will also see your TAGGRS Container Details under your dashboard. Are you missing events like pageview? Google Tag Manager already includes these automatically.

8. Additional features


In your WordPress Dashboard, there is now a header with all TAGGRS Container Details.

The following data is displayed:

  • Container name
  • Tagging URL
  • Plan
  • Request limit


The world of e-commerce is complex and constantly evolving. For webshop owners like you, it's crucial to understand and leverage every aspect of customer interaction. The TAGGRS Data Layer Plugin for WooCommerce is one of many TAGGRS Tools and provides a streamlined, efficient way to collect and analyze valuable data about customer behavior and interactions on your website. You no longer rely on guesswork or limited insights. Instead, you gain access to detailed and accurate data that is critical for making informed decisions.

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