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Server Side Analytics - Measure the impact of Server Side Tracking with TAGGRS

Server Side Analytics - Measure the impact of Server Side Tracking with TAGGRS

Server Side Tracking is a relatively new development in the world of digital analytics. Despite being an emerging technology, it often raises questions such as "Does it really work?" and "Am I actually getting more and better data?" To answer these questions, TAGGRS has developed a comprehensive dashboard full of server side analytics tools. In this blog, we'll take you through all of TAGGRS' key analytics features so you can see for yourself how Server Side Tracking can improve your company's data collection and analysis.

Tip: Create a free TAGGRS account (no credit card required) so you can use TAGGRS' analytics features to measure the impact of Server Side Tracking.

Key Points 🔑

  1. Comprehensive Analytics Features: Explore the various server side analytics features of TAGGRS, including detailed request analysis and type of requests.
  2. Impact of Tracking Prevention: Learn how tracking prevention mechanisms in browsers affect the data collected and what this means for your website.
  3. Visualization of Data Differences: See how the TAGGRS dashboard visualizes the difference in data between client side and server side tracking.

TAGGRS Server Side Analytics features at a glance

Once your account is set up and you've started using TAGGRS' GTM Server Side Tracking Hosting, you can take advantage of our Server Side Analytics. TAGGRS offers a range of Server Side Analytics features that are important for anyone looking to measure and analyze the effects of Server Side Tracking. These features include the following:

Number of requests per month

The request count table provides an overview of the requests made to a website over the last 30 days. This data can be filtered by month, giving a clear insight into website activity over a specific period. The calculated number of requests comes directly from activity on your website, including pageviews and deploying data clients via Google Tag Manager such as gtm.js, analytics.js, and gtag.js.

Total requests

Not a customer yet and curious how many requests you use per month? Use our handy request calculator on our pricing page.

Type of requests

Within the TAGGRS dashboard, you can view the various types of requests occurring on your website over the past 7 days. This functionality allows you to see in detail the types of requests and where they are coming from.

The following types of requests are distinguished:

  • Universal Analytics: Requests related to the traditional version of Google Analytics, aimed at collecting user data.
  • Google Analytics 4: This category includes requests belonging to the newer version of Google Analytics, with a focus on integrated and user-centric data analysis.
  • JavaScript: These requests come from JavaScript code on your website, essential for interactive features and dynamic content.
  • Set Cookie: Requests having to do with setting cookies, important for tracking user sessions and storing preferences.
  • Google Tag Manager Preview Mode: Requests specific to the preview and debug mode in Google Tag Manager.
  • Other: These could be bots or indexes, for example. Or that you go to the subdomain yourself, for example.
Type of requests

Data affected by Tracking Prevention

TAGGRS provides insight into how tracking prevention mechanisms affect the data collected. This is measured by the percentage of website users using browsers known for their tracking prevention.

Tracking prevention mechanisms are features within browsers that limit or prevent the tracking of user activity across different Web sites. These mechanisms are designed to protect users' privacy by limiting the data that can be collected by trackers.

TAGGRS can in the last 7 days can this influence and present it in statistics. These statistics show how much of your website traffic may be influenced by browsers with built-in tracking prevention. All major browsers except Google Chrome have integrated such prevention mechanisms. Therefore, the percentage is based on all visitors minus Google Chrome visitors.

Data affected by tracking prevention

The higher the percentage, the greater the impact tracking prevention mechanisms can have on the data collected, meaning that a significant portion of user activity may not be fully tracked or analyzed. This has implications for the accuracy of data analysis and may affect the effectiveness of digital marketing strategies.

Tip: If you don't yet have an account with TAGGRS and want to see the number of users using browsers with tracking mechanisms, navigate to Google Analytics 4. There, choose Reports > User > Tech details > Users by Operating System for a complete overview of the browsers used by your website visitors.

Additional data by Server Side Tracking

Want to know how much extra data you got by implementing Server Side Tracking? The TAGGRS dashboard provides a graph to visualize the difference in data between client side (web container) and server side (server container). This graph is important for understanding the added value of Server Side Tracking in terms of measurability and data quality.

Comparison of Pageview Events: The graph shows the pageview events received from both the client side (web container) and the server side (server container). The difference between the two values illustrates the increase in measurability that Server Side Tracking brings. With a clear client side line and a server side line, you can directly visualize the percentage difference over the selected period.

Additional Data per Event: The graph shows the additional data collected per event thanks to Server Side Tracking. By selecting a specific event, the graph shows both the client side percentage and the additional server side percentage. This provides a clear picture of the additional data you obtain by using Server Side Tracking.

Additional measured data by TAGGRS


We hope this information has been helpful and has given you a clear idea of the capabilities that Server Side Tracking and TAGGRS can offer you. Don't forget to create your free TAGGRS account to experience the benefits of Server Side Tracking and TAGGRS immediately.

Happy Tagging!

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